‘Mission English Programme’ to inculcate English Speaking

The habit of speaking in English - is inculcated in a fun and spirited manner through the ‘Mission English Programme’. The ‘Mission English’ Chart is placed in each and every classroom with 40 sparkies designed on it and has the names of all the learners of the class. Learners are encouraged to SAVE their Sparkies for a subsequent term by speaking in English at all times. The score that the learners have in a term is also reflected in the Personality Development Profile of the learners that is collated at the end of every term.

Show n Tell

In an attempt to enhance the confidence and Speaking Skills of the learners, ‘Show-n-Tell’- another unique practice is conducted on a regular basis. The young learners are encouraged to express themselves by narrating about their prized possessions, strengths, ideas, etc with their peers. On reaching Primary classes, they collectively choose a topic of common interest and speak about it in front of their peers.

DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) Time

Readers of today are leaders of tomorrow. In order to inculcate the habit of reading, a pre dedicated time is allocated to every class where all learners keep everything aside and read books and magazines of their interest that are available in the Class Library, which again is maintained by the contribution of the books made by the learners at the beginning of the session.

Playing the Role of a Public Relation Officer

Public Relation Officer Program (PRO)is yet another unique initiative to instil a sense of responsibility and accountability in the learners wherein-each learner gets to manage the School Reception at least one day in a year. On that particular day the learner poses as a Public Relation Officers and interacts with and manages the parents, the visitors and even the guests to the school during special events.

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